Tuesday 23 June 2009

Superman and Batman issue #61

The second and last "mash-up" installment was once again filled with cheesy characters, although I rather liked Jimmy Two-Face (sounds like a 50's gangster.) Not all the super villain names were as cool as Jimmy Two-Face, Brainycat and Penguello for example however (as I pointed out when I talked about issue 60) while cheesy combining villains makes them more deadly. Combining the physical prowess of Catwoman with the intellect of Braniac makes her almost unstoppable however we never got to see much of a fight because the villains beat the heroes so quickly. We did however get an explanation of why they are all mashed up. It was a dream. Now I can hear all you people out there moaning at the cliché of they can just wake up and it was just a dream but I think the writers pulled it off. I also rather liked the how they ended it by pulling the only magic users of the Titans and the JLA (Raven and Zatana ) out of the dream so they could stop Doctor Destiny. To be honest I have always found the Superman and Batman title to be more of a fun comic and as such I have always enjoyed the reality warping kind of thing (my favorite series being when villains from the 31st century raised Superman and Batman to be rulers of earth.) This two part series is a great example of the fun reality warp kind of thing and everyone who has read the comic knows at times you laughed at the cheese and at others admired the pure genius of the cheese. Yes it was cheesy but you know you loved it!

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