Wednesday 30 December 2009

Feora Wearing Biggins reviews Supergirl the movie

The girl of steel, The red blue blurette, Supergirl. Yes I was gone for two months but I'm back with a review of Supergirl: the movie. As you my already know I love the Superman movies, comics and books. So in theory I should love this movie and I almost do. It was funny purely due to how serious the film was meant to be. Superman fought Lex Luthor, General Zod and Nuclear man, Supergirl fought a wicked witch using kryptonian technology to boost her magical abilities. The whole plot is faintly ridiculous, but what I enjoyed most was the acting which was surprisingly good. Helen Slater portrayal of Supergirl was perfect, the naivety and the strongness of her character when angry. Her character was perfect but her origin was not true to the comics at all.

This film had a very similar score to Superman. It was exciting and uplifting. It was a fun film and it wasn't boring as one may expect it to be. The special effects were better than in Superman 4, Superman 4 is by far one of the worst films ever made and one of my favorites. This film is worth watching by all means but I've seen better films. 2/5