Saturday 11 July 2009

Torchwood: Children of Earth reviewed

We are coming! Torchwood has never been as good as Doctor Who but last week they started a five episode series that did something that Doctor Who never has. Doctor Who is a family friendly TV series and Torchwood is a more down to earth show that shows the grit and horror that Doctor Who can't, for once Torchwood found the perfect story for them (although have way through I couldn't help but wonder where the Doctor was.) The Children of Earth was a dramatic but brilliant five episode storyline, when I started watching I only watched because I had nothing better to watch but by episode three I was hooked, nine o' clock on the dot I was sat in front of the tv with a coke in one hand and popcorn in the other.

I live 45 miles from where the Torchwood hub is supposed to be, I have stood where they found Jacks hand after the explosion but that didn't make it seem any less real. I was completely astounded by how creepy the children speaking simultaneously all over the world were but by the last episode that wasn't the big thing, you weren't thinking about the aliens, you were chocked up about Ianto, you were freaking out about the children being taken away and impressed by the bravery shown by those characters you thought were just there for comic relief. I began to hate the government for what they were doing if they had just let Torchwood/U.N.I.T do their jobs I'm sure they could have fond out what Jack found out.

Admittedly The 456 weren't the biggest or scariest aliens but you know they are a powerful civilization capable of destroying planets but then you find out that they just want the children because they use them as drugs you start to think of them as lowlife gangsters who just need their next fix. The series just got more and more serious until it got to a point where John Frobisher murdered his wife and children and shot himself so that they wouldn't see the bad that was going to happen. The end was sad to say the least with Jack sacrificing his grandson but thankfully the prime minster didn't get away with it thanks to Bridget Spears who completely redeemed herself in my eyes. I even liked Johnson (the female special forces gal) at the end if they bring Torchwood back I think she would make a great addition to the team .

But now the big question will Torchwood be back ? With Ianto dead, Gwen pregnant and Jack of world who knows if it will be back. I hope so and I know how they could do it, if they tie it in with Doctor Who some how they could reunite Torchwood, some new recruits may be needed ( I suggest Johnson and Lois Habiba.) The show was under preforming a lot recently but after the Children of Earth storyline ( to which have the nation tuned in to) who knows maybe the BBC will bring it back. If you missed it you can still watch it on iplayer, trust me it will be five hours well sent.

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